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"I want my campaign to inspire people, especially young people, to get civically engaged while showing them the importance of the Board of Education."

Enhance Student Engagement

Improving student learning and closing opportunity gaps is not only a professional duty, but a moral responsibility. One way to support these efforts is through enhancing student engagement. Engaging student perspectives generate important feedback and create a sense of ownership that can lead to higher student performance. As a school board member, I will always advocate for the enhancement of student engagement.


Improve School, Family, Community Partnerships

Partnerships are essential for aiding students to achieve at their maximum potential and, while parent and community involvement has always been a cornerstone of public schools, greater recognition, and support of the importance of these collaborative efforts is needed.


When striving to increase student achievement, schools should strive to build trust and meaningful relationships with families. Families are the first educators of their children and they continue to influence their children’s learning and development during the school years and long afterward. When educators and parents work together as partners, they create important opportunities for children to develop social, emotional, and academic competencies.


Facilitating community partnerships not only enhances student learning, but it provides students the opportunity to receive additional resources and gain real-world experiences. Some examples of community partnerships include collaborating with local businesses, community based organizations, feeder schools, etc. As a school board member, I will always support and seek partnerships for our students and families. 


​Increase Financial Oversight​

The continuous increase in property taxes is an important issue for most stakeholders within our district. In order to ensure fiscal responsibility, I will spearhead a financial oversight initiative that includes the creation of a Citizens Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC).

The committee would be charged with:

  • The review of financial reports and continuous monitoring of $105 million bond issuance.

  • The periodic review of contracts awarded by the Board of Education.

  • A review of other areas of financial concern brought forward by a committee member, a member of the public, or school board members.

Implement Strategic Planning
Organizations are driven by strategic plans. In regards to schools, it is used to formalize the district’s mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives. By implementing a strategic plan, a school district has the ability to gain buy-in from both internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, it develops meaningful measures to track and gauge the success of the district. As a school board member, I will work collaboratively with the district administration to ensure the district has a relevant and innovative strategic plan.

Increase Transparency

Transparency is essential to building trust between the board of education and stakeholders. As a school board member, I will always maintain open and honest lines of communication while also keeping the community informed of the issues and decisions the district is facing.

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